RESNA’s Wheeled Mobility SIG Position Paper Posted for 60-day Comment Period


RESNA’s Wheeled Mobility SIG Position Paper Posted for 60-day Comment Period

Date: Monday, January 31, 2022
Category: General

RESNA’s Wheeled Mobility SIG has posted a draft position paper, “RESNA Position on the Application of Ultralight Manual Wheelchairs: Literature Update 2021” for the required 60-day public comment period. All interested RESNA members and stakeholders in the AT community is invited to submit comments. 

Please review the revision and updated paper: RESNA position on the Application of Ultra Lightweight Manual Wheelchairs.  This update was initiated in April of 2020 following approval of the RESNA Board of Directors.  This is intended to be an update on the evidence and build on the previous position paper that was finalized in 2012.  This paper intends to contribute to the evidence-based practice that we all try to implement on an every-day basis.  We are combining lived experiences through clinical examples, research evidence and professional expertise to synthesize the current body of evidence supporting the provision and recommendation of ultralight MWCs.

This work group took a collective review of the previous work that has been presented at ISS, RESNA, and other international conferences as well as the PVA Clinical Practice Guidelines from 2005 and the original RESNA position paper and combined that with a Scoping Review of the evidence up to June 2021. 

Any correspondence can be directed to Jennith Bernstein:

A RESNA Position Paper is an official statement by the organization that, based on the consensus of experts and evidence summarizes current research and best-practice trends in relevant areas of Assistive Technology. RESNA position papers undergo a rigorous process of development, review and approval. For more about the position paper process, and to see other RESNA position papers, visit the Position Papers webpage.

Wheeled Mobility SIG Position Paper

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